Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Feeling Grateful!

--by kat94, posted Nov 16, 2020
I feel so tremendously happy and grateful right now.

I got 2 hours of sleep last night, on top of my laptop basically, and I just got home (11pm) after finishing a few major assignments for school.

In a few minutes I'm about to jump in bed and get a glorious 7 hours of sleep.I'm grateful. For my bed. For my pillows. For my blanket. For a warm house. For a house. For sleep.

I'm also grateful for my dad, who offered to drop me off to school tomorrow, letting me sleep that extra hour. I love him. I love it all. I love life.

Good night :))
770 Reads

Readers Comments

melnotes wrote: Wonderful attitude of gratitude Kat! May you have the most restful sleep and awaken with an abundance of energy for a new day :)Exciting adventures ahead!!!
sandyremillar wrote: great outlook on life! very inspiring...thank you for sharing and nitenite!!!
jia wrote: hmm u really jumped into bed.. lolz.. keep smiling kat
brindlegirl wrote: And we love you! Your so loved kat always ♥
wavingatyou wrote: May I never take a warm bed for granted :)
mindyjourney wrote: Loving it all, my dear kat <3. You are so riding the way of gratitude :)). So appreciate my comfy bed too! Sweet sleep and blessings for amazing day ahead.
DotMatrix wrote: This gave me a rush of joy just reading it. Thank you Kat.
mish wrote: Grateful for (((((((YOU)))))))) X

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