Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Difficult Actions Led by Love

--by Dobby, posted Nov 19, 2020
This is an ongoing and a weird kind of kindness. But a necessary one.

My parents are too elderly to remain in their house. My sister and I must first get through all their stuff (and they are pack rats). They will be moving in with my sister.

They have been in their house for all their married life, so I understand the push back our mom is giving us...but it doesn't make it easy.
I must be both patient, yet firm. And getting pack rats to let go of any of their stuff is hard, but must be done.

This will take us months, and I suspect my mom will get worse as things get done. I keep reminding myself that now I have an opportunity to do for my parents what they did for me as a kid.

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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Led by love, every obstacle will be overcome, Dobby. Visualizing lots of patience, strength & success there for all of you. 🙏
patjos wrote: Gentleness is the way, Love and Kindness. :)
mindyjourney wrote: Many thx to your and your sister...this will take gentleness, kindness and a sense of humor :). A true labor of love.
OlivierChhu wrote: I wish you good luck for this ongoing page of your family life. Sending you a lot of waves of compassion!
Rajni wrote: It becomes our duty to try to pay back to our parents when needed. No one in the universe is capable to pay back fully to mothers for what she did for us with selfless love.

You and your sister are doing a very good job of helping parents.
Christine88 wrote: That's great you will help them. Yes, it's hard to let go. Patience is the way to go. Even if you have to get in your car, go around the circle, scream at the top of your lungs. Go back inside the home and start fresh. As i've gotten older (single, no kids) i've learned to let go of things so whoever has to take care of my things when i leave this earth won't have a hard time.

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