Stories of Kindness from Around the World

That friend who needed a walk

--by Balou, posted Nov 22, 2020
I planned on staying at home today.

Today is the start of the carnival season, but all festivities were canceled due to covid19. I had already heard that many, especially young, people were planning to ignore it and planning to take over the streets (with lots of alcohol involved). So my original plan was: stay at home, stay out of the way of the police who will have the challenge to keep everything quiet.

But a friend of mine contacted me, she's having a bad day and needs some company, so I decided to visit her, to go for a walk with her, to talk with her. It'll be good for me as well.

I just hope my travel to and from there will be peaceful without alcohol saturated youths trying to defeat the police.

Wishing all of you a wonderful day! 🤗
656 Reads

Readers Comments

Sandy Remillard wrote: I hope you had a lovely time together.
Rajni wrote: You just lived by the famous proverb " friend in need is a friend indeed" may others get inspired to help their friends in need. Thanks.
Khokha wrote: You too, Balou and take care!!
scully wrote: Balou thanks for stepping up and being there for your friend. I am sure the drunk teens are harmless and won’t bother you.
Mish wrote: Visualizing good outcome there , Balou.
dotmatrix wrote: May your walk be peaceful. ♥.
mindyjourney wrote: Than you for being there for friend :). Blessings of calm and safety.

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