Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Ripple Effects of One Action

--by sherriwood, posted Dec 2, 2020
The phrase “One Person Can Make a Difference” is one of those sayings that we teach youngsters – to encourage them to do something kind, to help another person, or to dream big about how they will change the world.

As adults, do we really believe this? Or is it a lesson just for young people? I am writing to tell you that indeed “one person can”. I know because one day one person did an act of kindness that changed my life and the lives of millions more.

Almost 15 years ago while driving across town, I was listening to a radio interview and heard a story of selflessness and commitment that was inspiring. A woman had carried in ten bulky winter coats through the Thanksgiving weekend crowds on mass transit to donate them at the One Warm Coat drive. She knew the city had many homeless and families in need and she knew that her extra coats could make a difference between cold and comfort for ten people that winter.

She was only one person, yet it was her action that inspired me to realize that there would always be a need for more coats – and that more people would be able to donate if there were more drop-off locations. Now, nearly 15 years later, One Warm Coat has inspired the donation of over 4 million coats across the country. As the National Founder, my heart is full and warm, knowing that we, each one of us, make a real difference in the lives of thousands each Fall and Winter.

So when you step forward to donate your time, or give an item, or help your neighbor, perhaps wondering “will it really matter?” I can tell you that it will!

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Readers Comments

wavingatyou wrote: Warms the heart :) Changing the world, my friend, changing the world !
inkfat wrote: change is amazing
mindyjourney wrote: Wow!!! Thank you for taking that "can-do" inspiration and bundling it in warm winter coats for the needy. Amazing ripples of kindness, my friend. Blessings of continued support.
mish wrote: Bless you. Wonder-full!!
melnotes wrote: Thank you for the beautiful sharing of your story, it is true one person can and every little bit helps :)
OlivierChhu wrote: Beautiful! We can be the change at our scale :)
sd wrote: So kind to find people sharing with those in need; i often donate to goodwill, salvation army, and other like places, but it bothers me that these places 'sell' to those same needy people that i want to donate, free gratis, to. It truly is one ripple of kindness that makes waves of help to those less fortunate

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