Readers Comments
wavingatyou wrote: Warms the heart :) Changing the world, my friend, changing the world !
inkfat wrote: change is amazing
mindyjourney wrote: Wow!!! Thank you for taking that "can-do" inspiration and bundling it in warm winter coats for the needy. Amazing ripples of kindness, my friend. Blessings of continued support.
mish wrote: Bless you. Wonder-full!!
melnotes wrote: Thank you for the beautiful sharing of your story, it is true one person can and every little bit helps :)
OlivierChhu wrote: Beautiful! We can be the change at our scale :)
sd wrote: So kind to find people sharing with those in need; i often donate to goodwill, salvation army, and other like places, but it bothers me that these places 'sell' to those same needy people that i want to donate, free gratis, to. It truly is one ripple of kindness that makes waves of help to those less fortunate