Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Cukes, Zukes and Smiles

--by Metta, posted Apr 11, 2010

My parents live in a semi-rural area, and are fortunate to have some land to plant a garden.  This year, they planted some cucumbers and zucchinis.  They grew extremely well so they had an abundance of 'cukes' and 'zukes'.  They decided to give the extra produce away. 

I thought maybe my family could sell the extra food (they certainly could use some extra income themselves), but they wouldn't think of it - sharing the produce is something they've done their whole life. For my parents, giving the food away is part of the fun of growing a garden.

My parents took some of the cukes and zukes to some elderly friends they knew in the town, and to a building complex in a really poor part of town, where people rarely can afford to get fresh veggies. 

Hopefully they made those people's days a little brighter ;)


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Readers Comments

sowseed wrote: great story!
Aurelia wrote: I'm so inspired by you. I have 2 green pepper plants my daughter grew for school. They have 5 peppers growing and I am going to keep 2 and give away 3 :) Thanks for the idea!

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