Readers Comments
lmil1954 wrote: Yee-hah. What a beautiful testimony on the power of our loving GOD! You were right to heed His word. It's so true. Always always, when someone is in need and you dont have room, make room. Thanks for sharing this story today!
Love, Linda:)
Love, Linda:)
Aurelia wrote: I know you must have been scared to death at first, but the power of God's love within you gave you the strength. God Bless you and Thank you for sharing.
God Bless!
God Bless!
lmil1954 wrote: You are beautiful! Thanks for the luv note.
pattyjw59 wrote: That is so beautiful, God bless you! I do not know that I'd of had the courage to do what you did. Again I say God bless you! May He repay your kindness a hundred-fold!
grammagussie wrote: Im so happy that it turned out to be such a success story. How I admire your faith, and sacrifice. Thanks for sharing such a uplifting story.
monkeyinpajamas wrote: what a wonderful wonderful story. It is truly incredible that you opened your heart to someone who society would view as 'dangerous'. Im not sure I would ever have the courage to be like you, hero :-)
sethi wrote: Thank you for your inner strength and courage to stand by your friend in her hour of need. Gd bless.
luckyman wrote: Very kind of you to do that!
Not many women would have done what you did but i admire your guts to do that and you have shown the love of jesus to your hubby's ex wife. I am stunned by your response to the suffering woman and her children. Surely god is with you!
What am amazing god we serve!
Not many women would have done what you did but i admire your guts to do that and you have shown the love of jesus to your hubby's ex wife. I am stunned by your response to the suffering woman and her children. Surely god is with you!
What am amazing god we serve!
iferlamb wrote: What a selfless act! You made a tremendous impact on her life. It is because of you that she turned it around. Sometimes all a person needs is someone to believe in them and give them a chance. Wow! Thank you for sharing.
ellya wrote: You are amazing. What courage and love. You believed in yourself and your husband and god so much that instead of seeing this woman as a threat, you helped her. Respect!