Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Investing Love In Young Children

--by debannball, posted Apr 14, 2010

My childcare job allowed me to positively impact children from a young age while staying at home with my own children.  One single mom found my fees beyond her reach at times when she was short of cash and/or between jobs.  She brought her daughter to me as often as possible but sometimes had to resort to less expensive babysitters.

Upon returning to me after a lapse of attendance, the daughter acted withdrawn, timid, and scared.  Realizing that childcare from multiple babysitters was negatively affecting the child's emotions, I reached an agreement with the mother to give her child a consistent caring environment under my watch.  Accordingly, the mother paid when she could.  When she was short of cash and/or between jobs, she dropped off her child under the guise of being my daughter's friend for the day.

This arrangement paid off abundantly.  As the children I babysat reached school age and moved through the school system, they achieved top academic results.  My daily babysitting approach involved an educational program with quality arts, crafts and playtime.  The focus was always on being kind, fair and gentle.  The children that I cared for during their younger years went on to earn multiple community awards.

I am glad that my leniency with money helped me touch a child who under normal circumstances would not have been able to consistently stay under my watch.  One of the greatest rewards in my life is knowing that the work I invested into young children helped them grow into full individuals who positively impacted society.

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Readers Comments

grammagussie wrote: You have my total admiration...Good childcare is hard to find and it's sometimes only the rich can obtain it. Kudos to you for giving the children a good head start in life.
roningirl wrote: Debann, your generosity knows no limits. Too bad our society does not permit that single mother to stay home and nurture and love her child as much as, i'm sure, she wanted to herself. People like her and you deserve support from our government for the contribution they make to society -- by nurturing good citizens -- much more than large corporations, and heaven forbid, the banking and financial industry. What a mess.
dgrav wrote: What a great gift to provide a safe haven where children can learn and grow and have your loving attention. Who knows how many lives will be changed because of the quality care you have given these little ones.

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