Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Carrying a Load With A Big Smile

--by Jacinda, posted Apr 15, 2010

It is a terribly rainy wet winters day here in Tauranga. While I was walking from the library after getting together my University applications for next year at the end of my lunch break, a man was walking towards me with two HUGE boxes of pamphlets.

I thought, "What on earth is that man trying to do? Carry all that stuff?"  Then all of a sudden he dropped it all!!!!!!  It was a terrible mess with hundreds of brochures all over the path in front of me! "Oh no," I thought. The man sat down and started trying to pick all of the brochures up. I couldn’t believe how many people walked on by without even caring in the least.

I thought, "I’m not going to be one of those people who don’t care about this man. I’m going to help him."  So, even though it was the end of my lunch break from work and I would be late if I stopped to help him, I didn’t mind in the least. If I explain what happened I’m sure my boss wouldn’t mind too much. So, I crouched down beside him and helped him pick them all up. Then I asked if he would like a hand in carrying a box to where he was headed. He said yes that would be much appreciated.

So, I carried one of the heavy boxes. I tell you, the box I had to carry was VERY HEAVY (as I’m quite a petite girl) but I didn’t want to let onto him and didn’t complain. I just helped him with a big smile across my face. We got there and he thanked me very much for helping him out. He also gave me one of these lovely brochures about all the walks in and around the Bay of Plenty.

What is a better way to spend my lunchtime then helping someone and I wasn't even that late back to work so nobody minded at all!

Helping others is so much fun!!!!!!!!!

"No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave" - Calvin Coolidge

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Readers Comments

monkeyinpajamas wrote: wow! what a wonderful story! keep up the good work jacinda!
wayfarer wrote: Beautiful, Jacinda. Let's not ever be like those who walk on by!
innerjourney wrote: That was very nice of you Jaz. You thought me another lesson today - not to complain cuz I do that so much. I hope someday I can give myself freely to others. Thank you! Love and hugs, Manish:)
lmil1954 wrote: Awesome good story todaY. God bless your loving heart!
sethi wrote: Thank you for your kindness for a being in need
Bluebell wrote: I must say that I found it funny that the moment you mention a man (and two boxes) in need of help. I knew in my heart the whole story... Jacinda to rescue lol ... I just adore you! Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
Jacinda wrote: Thank you monkeyinpajamas, wayfarer, Manish, lmil1954, Sethi and Bluebell all very much for your lovely comments :) Whenever I get the chance to help I will try to help with a smile and will try to be a better person in todays society. Life is beautiful! Hope you all have a lovely day :) Love and smiles, Jacinda
helpinghand wrote: Jacinda, You have a big human heart which is full of love and kindness. We are lucky to have you on this site. I learn a lot of lessons from your posts.You always make us Smile.
You are truly an Angel.
Keep Smiling.
Jacinda wrote: Thank you Helpinghand for your lovely kind comments. I'm the one who learns many many many lessons from all of you!!! You all really inspire and motivate me :) I'm extremely thankful I found this site!!! Helpinghand you are really an Angel too and a really kind and caring person. Thanks again. Lots of love and smiles, Jacinda xoxo
iferlamb wrote: terrific example! if I had been there I would have helped too.

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