Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Profound Sense of Joy in Giving

--by monkeyinpajamas, posted Apr 11, 2010

It was 7 in the morning. I was on a train to another city when I struck up a conversation with a young professional sitting next to me. I gathered that he came from a farming family and was now doing exceptionally well in the IT industry. He also revealed that he was stressed and disconnected from his roots.

He was kind enough to give me a window seat, help a co-passenger when he dropped his coffee, etc. Just small acts which showed what a good person he was.

I was pretty involved in reading my book - a biography on the Dalai Lama. Anyone who knows me well knows that the Dala Lama has played a huge role in my life although I haven't met him. In fact he is one of the main sources of inspiration I have and reading a book about him which my Dad had given to me was just pure joy :-)

Now my copassenger asked to see the book, so I handed it to him. Minutes passed into hours. In the train window, I saw his reflection reading the book intently, much more carefully than merely thumbing through the pages. Towards the end of the journey I even saw him noting down everything about the book including the publishing house and code number. He turned to me and asked where he could buy this book from.

"You can keep it," I insisted. "This is the second time I'm reading it anyway." 

I lied.

I had a choice at that moment. Either I could hoard such books and cling on to the Dalai Lama and anecdotes of his kindness, or I could actually live his creed and part with something I valued, in turn, passing the kindness onto someone else.

"Wow", the IT professional turned to me, "Thank you so much yaar (buddy) . This is really incredible."

"No problem yaar, don't worry about it."

I got off the train and walked into the new city with a profound sense of joy.

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Readers Comments

Bluebell wrote: I am sure the Dalai Lama would be delighted by your kindness. Thank you for your kind heart. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
wayfarer wrote: Excellent. That's living it!
Jacinda wrote: WOW Monkeyinpajamas you truely have such a huge heart! Yes I agree with both Bluebell and Wayfarer you are truely living by giving and kindness and yes I agree the Dalai Lama would have been so delighted by your kindness and generosity! What a totally FABULOUS STORY! It is 11.30am here and Monkeyinpajamas I want to let you know that you have been my inspiration for today!!!!! Wow what a fantastic story! I LOVED IT! I hope you have a wonderful day! Love and smiles, Jacinda xoxo
innerjourney wrote: Giving is so good yaar! We never become poor by giving. Another lesson for me. Thank you very much. May God bless you. Love and Prayers, Manish:)
helpinghand wrote: Thank you so much Yaar{buddy}for post. You have done a wonderful job.i have learnt a lesson from your post.
Keep it up.
May God Bless You.
monkeyinpajamas wrote: Thank you my friends. Your kindnesses have restored my belief in humanity :-)
incognita wrote: hi, you are actually a genualy a lovely person right? wow its lovely to see that there are nice people out there, its true its always good to make sacrafices there is always a positive outcome which ever way you look at it,
you didnt only just give your fave book away though, im sure the content of the book which you have shared is going to help the young man also =)
i'm inerested in reading that book, where can i get it? thanks =)
Veebeep wrote: Wow! What a library fee you're going to have if he doesn't return the book! Just kidding! (we're here to smile, right? ) seriously, i loved your story and it reminded me of similar acts i've experienced over the years. Thank you for the warming of my heart for you, gratitude for others like you and for my trip down memory lane.
dgrav wrote: Really enjoyed your story!
Kaviraj wrote: Hello! Monkeyinpajamas,

Nice to share this incident with you. Good books our real friend. Good books can change our thinking and then behavior. You did a good thing of gifting the book to a deserving person.

I think you are not only reading dalai lama's books but also practicing what he says.

Both of you were benifited, you got the pleasure of giving and that gentleman got the pleasure of receiving.

May god keep your spirit of giving alive.

Have a nice day.

Jagdish kaviraj

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