Readers Comments
Jacinda wrote: Esclarmonde what a wonderful and kind idea! He would have definitely loved that! What a huge kind heart you have! Thank you so much for sharing. I hope you have a wonderful week! Keep up the awesome work! Love and Smiles, Jacinda :)
jaijagdesh wrote: I love this story. I sometimes forget how much everyone needs a kind thought, work or dee. But especially how ,much they enjoy sharing our good times with us.
smileamile wrote: Esclarmonde what a kind and thoughtful think to do for that young man. I am sure he was very touched. May god bless you for your kindness. :-) smileamile
Rebecca wrote: I am touched. Not everyone has the ability to see a need and even though some do - few actually try to fill it!
We need more poeple like you in this world! Just think what would happen if each of us found someone in need and asked them to celebrate our birthday's and other holidays with us!
God bless you!
We need more poeple like you in this world! Just think what would happen if each of us found someone in need and asked them to celebrate our birthday's and other holidays with us!
God bless you!
Sara wrote: That's so awesome! Happy birthday to you both. <3 you just made someone else's birthday special.
sethi wrote: Thank you for being who you are.
bill wrote: I tried to help a homeless guy. At first he was grateful but then gradually he wanted more and more and more. Then started threatening me. And i heard from others he had a scary history of violence. Just be careful out there. What i learned is that a lot of these people are master manipulators. And this is from a non-profit organizer i met who knows the guy i tried to help. A friend of mine even got this guy into a sober living house. He lasted a week. He didn't want rules, instead chose to live off government assistance.
Laura wrote: Thanks for brightening this individuals life by your kind gesture. I am sure that it brightened a spot in his life. :)
Sindhu wrote: Great job esclarmonde. Very kind of u. I got inspired by u. The thought that u made someone else's birthday spl on ur own birthday is simply awesome. Btw belated happy birthday to u both. Keep it up.
denis khan wrote: “then he said to him who had invited him, “when you give a dinner or supper, do not ask your friends, your brothers, your relatives, nor your rich neighbors, lest they also invite your back, and you are repaid.
“but when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed and the blind.
“and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you; for you shall be repaid at the resurrection of the just. ” (luke14:12-14).
“but when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed and the blind.
“and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you; for you shall be repaid at the resurrection of the just. ” (luke14:12-14).