Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Knitting Socks

--by kat94, posted Feb 8, 2021
I was on the bus today, reading a book for my class. Shortly after an elderly woman sat next to me. About five minutes later, she pulled out her knitting stuff.

Occasionally I glanced at what she was doing because I was curious. She noticed me watching, and she told me she knitted socks and hats for the homeless. The sock looked amazing, cozy.

I liked the cause, so I pulled out $5 and gave it to her to use for more yarn. She seemed surprised and grateful. She said she relied on donations. It is amazing what some humans can do.
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Readers Comments

brindlegirl wrote: I love you Kat I really do. Most people (including myself) would have admired the lady and told her so, wished her well and most likely shared her story. Not our Kat. Our Kat goes the extra mile and pulls out $5. You inspire us all Kat ♡
wavingatyou wrote: Toasty toes are a great thing :)
vitalreiki wrote: Classic case of sitting in the right place at the right time. Blessings to you, Katster. x
melnotes wrote: Thats awesome :)
mindyjourney wrote: Wonderful goving from you and from knitting passenger <3. Such a kindness force!! Many thanks.
eckyssister wrote: I am a huge supporter of warm pigs. Cheers to you both!
pluto178 wrote: Wonderful ever x
Jimbo46 wrote: Such a great opportunity to show kindness and you were a star! Thanks for being you!

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