Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Honoring A Daughter By Paying-It-Forward

--by MandysMom, posted Apr 22, 2010

Mandy was the kind of girl I was blessed to have as a daughter, the kind of friend everyone wanted to have, the kind of spirit that radiated joy and happiness when ever she entered a room.

Mandy left this world to go be with her Lord on November 15, 2008 in a tragic car accident.

Since then, I have tried to live each day of my life living up to her expectations.  I started the Kindness Revolution on Mother's day 2009 and gave out over 100 flowers to random women throughout the weekend along with a card letting them know to pay the kindness forward.
I have given away jewelry, paid for coffee and tolls, paid for groceries, cleaned off car windows trying to spread the kindness and to do as she instructed.
I know that each time I do a kind act, I get back 100 times more than I gave. 
The feeling of doing things just for the pure kindness of the act, never expecting or wanting a thank you or reward is amazing!
Seeing the look of disbelief on peoples faces when you hand them a gift and a card and simply walk away speaks volumes to how much we need more of this in our world!
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Readers Comments

JuneBug wrote: What an awesome post !! Thanks for sharing a part of Mandy with us...:)
helpinghand wrote: Very nice. Thanks for sharing.
Compassionist wrote: Welldone for turning your grief into altruistic actions!
iferlamb wrote: How strong and wonderful of you to honor her memory each day with random acts of kindness! You are an inspiration!

Mandy's Mom wrote: Thanks for your kind words of inspiration everyone - they lift me!

You can see more about mandy at the website www. Thekindnessrevolution. Me - the music on each page really has helped me through some rough moments!

God bless you all!
Jagdish Kaviraj wrote: Hi! Mandysmom,
Sorry to hear that your worthy daughter mandy died in a tragic car accident. The anguish caused by departure of a near and dear cannot be described in words. “kindness revolution” you started for paying tribute to the departed soul is a nice way. Only great mother like you can do random acts of kindness every day in the sacred memory of your daughter.

May god give you strength to bear this great loss. Jagdish kaviraj

mizzzim wrote: I'm so sorry for your loss. But it's amazing you could take your pain and transform it into something wonderful. Thank you for being able to do that.
Mandy's Mom wrote: Mizzzim - thank you - although i can't take the credit. I was lucky enough to have had a conversation with her just weeks before she died (she was 17) about what she wanted when she died. Then at 5 a. m . The morning of the service i woke up with the extreme urge to write something down (i am never up that early) i stumbled into the kitchen, grabbed the closest piece of paper and a pen and wrote the following - i know it was sent directly from her and it's how i try to live my life now.

My final ongoing wish
Celebrate my life
(it's okay to mourn the loss)
And remember the good times.

Celebrate your life (include me)
And make more good times.

Remember what i wanted.

Please do for me now what i cannot.

Hold each other up;
Lift someone you don't even know.

Aspire to greatness, dream big
And achieve many goals.

Teach many and smile huge in my honor.
sethi wrote: I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for being the person you are. You are healing yourself by paying it forward. God bless.
Mandy's mom wrote: Jagdish kaviraj - thank you for your kind words - god certainly has strengthened me. I thank him daily for the gift of allowing me to have mandy for the 17 years she was here.

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