Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Messages of Hope for the World

--by Ladybird1, posted Feb 28, 2021
I found some old ribbons whilst clearing up the attic. So I got a marker pen and wrote down words of hope like "Stay strong!", "Everything will be fine!", " Life is good!", "Have a nice day!" Together we are strong!", "Chin up!", "Enjoy the little things in life!", " There is always hope!"

I am going to tie them to the branches of the "Magic Tree" in the woods where people have started hanging up positive messages and little seasonal ornaments since the pandemic started last March. Now our lockdown has been extended to mid February! Nearly 2 months for this second lockdown.

More and more people are walking in the woods to get out, as everything is basically closed except for supermarkets. So, I hope my messages give people a bit of cheer and hope. Maybe I can plant the flowers at the base of the tree. Really it is only a scooped out tree stump with branches inserted inside, but it does look amazing! May you be inspired to spread hope and joy in whatever way feels right for you.
605 Reads

Readers Comments

lt33 wrote: Such a great way to inspire others 😁
skumar wrote: Beautiful, creative idea

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