Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Inspiring Video Dedicated To!

--by Jacinda, posted Apr 20, 2010

I returned from a lovely holiday with my family and sang in a number of different concerts around the Bay of Plenty and Waikato regions in New Zealand. It is always such an honour seeing the joy on people's faces. One concert we sang at was at a local rest-home/retirement village.  It was nice to see 100 elderly people so happy after we, "The Short Sistars," had sung.  It was so wonderful to see so many happy faces, all saying they want us to come back and sing again soon. So next Uni holidays the managers have invited us to come and perform again.  When our music fills the air, I love seeing these elderly people, who aren't in the best of health, and the beaming smiles appearing across their faces as if they feel at peace, maybe :) Then spent the second week down in Palmerston North..Visiting my sick Grandma in hospital everyday and looking after my Grandad along with my family.

While I was away on holiday and without internet connection for sometime...I sat there thinking what I could do. I felt in a creative mood and this is what I ended up with.

This is what I made for you all... and have dedicated it to HelpOthers.

Thank you all for lighting my days with inspiration with your heart-warming posts, stories, comments etc..

This is for you all.

Wishing you all a truly wonderful day!

Love and smiles,


5103 Reads

Readers Comments

Zevelina wrote: :) i saw my flag! Thanks, nice video :)
shamini wrote: Jacinda,
Such a nice video. Keep up your sprit & god bless you.
luv4all wrote: B'ful, v. Nice.

Is background song sung by you?

Thank you.

iferlamb wrote: I truly enjoyed this video. Thank you so very much for my smile card! I paid one forward today.

sadhvini wrote: This is so beautiful and creative jacinda! Thank you for sharing your gifts to make us smile! :)
NMwoman wrote: I have had a challenging time lately and as usual when i come to this site i feel better. I enjoyed the video so much! Thank you. I will share it with others.
dhamuri wrote: Inspiring video. Good work.
ritchie in Maine wrote: What a gracious thing you have to done in honoring helpothers. Org in such a meaningful way. It says a great deal about who you are.

I thank you. You thrilled my soul and inspired me. Blessings.
coachmaryg wrote: `i loved the inspiring video. A creative way to motivate those who see it to pay it forward. Thank you so much!
unknown wrote: Fabulous Jazzie ... Its so easy to share my views here, I will do that with your creativity here whenever I am free. Thanks for sharing, love, deepula.

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