Readers Comments
iferlamb wrote: How moving! This is a very inspiring story. Thank you for sharing it.
incognita wrote: you are really sweet, i might do the same actually, i know a street where there are three homless guys, but they are always drunk i get scared, im goint to put that besides me and get them some stuff possibly try nd help them get over their drinking habit, yeah you have definately inspired me thank you, take care=)
wayfarer wrote: Be blessed, BR, because you are a blessing!
JuneBug wrote: ANOTHER great post !!! Keep it up,BR !!!! :)
Aurelia wrote: We never know how or who we will inspire as we go about performing our happy tasks to help others. This is a fantastic story and proof that we are making a difference and others are catching on. :) ~smile ~aurelia :0)
Laura wrote: This made me cry. Touching.
dreamgirl wrote: This brought tears to my eyes also. Who knows at one time this man may have been one of those people under the bridge.
What a wonderful act of god you both did.
What a wonderful act of god you both did.
Marilyn wrote: Made my heart sing
PHSteacher wrote: Wow! This is inspiring in two ways: i was impressed with your caring for the homeless; plus, i was moved by the man who saw what you were doing and wanted to help. What a story and what an example you are setting for others. Keep up the good work.
Glorioski wrote: I have found that moments like these are some of the most profound ones for innitiating like behavior. I can tell my kids to be kind, but when i engage in a kind act in their presence, especially with strangers, they're more inclined to follow my lead. I notice how all of my kids hold doors for people. I've noticed in myself that when i step up my pace to hold the door for someone, or tomake the transition through the door for a woman and her child blessed stroller, i feel honored. It's a priveldge. As jesus said, when i was hungry, you fed me. When i was thirsty, you gave me drink. Any time you did it for one of my brothers, you did it for me.
No wonder i feel honored. Everyone of us is the image of christ. Everyone.
No wonder i feel honored. Everyone of us is the image of christ. Everyone.