Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Skiing for Inner Calm

--by TC, posted Mar 11, 2021
One day something happened that upset me, bringing tears to my eyes and making me angry. The incident took me out of balance and disturbed my inner peace.

To restore calm, I donned my outdoor gear, grabbed my skis, and went to the park. I skied at a slow steady pace. I listened to the hissing of the snow beneath my skis and the wind blowing through the bare branches of the trees.

I was honest with myself, acknowledging that I was angry and could let it go. With each pass around the park, I felt my inner peace returning. I began to hear the birds singing. I noticed the wind had filled in my tracks with snow in some areas, creating a clean slate. I felt the strength of my arms and legs as they worked together to make the skiing an enjoyable experience. I felt the healing power of being in nature.

I forgave myself for reacting with anger when it served no purpose. I forgave those who gave me cause to lose my temper. My heart filled with light and love for all that is. 

735 Reads

Readers Comments

drjoybug wrote: Bless you for knowing how to take care of yourself
Helenconnell2 wrote: It sounds like a very meditative experience and thanks for sharing it. x
dotmatrix wrote: Beautiful, TC. ♥.
kmbhai wrote: Wonderful..👌👌
mindyjourney wrote: There is nothing like the healing power of nature, esp as we move our bodies. It connects and amps up the powerful triage of body/mind/spirit 🙏
Mish wrote: A perfect solution, TC. Bless.

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