Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Loving the Hurt Child Within

--by Ladybird1, posted Mar 14, 2021
Recently I have been feeling out of balance. I am exhausted from the increasing loads of work, and saddened and annoyed at the reactions or sometimes indifference from some people when I have been nice to them. I realize, however, that many people are just focused on our individual needs, and are becoming increasingly tense during this long lockdown.

I am aware that the tension rears its ugly head to hurt me occasionally. That is just the way life is. These last few days I have been drawn to snippets of wisdom like "Give with a pure heart and expect nothing in return,” "Honor who you are," "Love yourself," or "Love the hurt child within." It seems the universe wants me to focus on these lessons, so I have been.
I have had much fun recently enjoying the simple things in life: building a snowman; making snow angels for the very first time; admiring glorious sunrises, glittering blankets of snow, and sweet birdsong; enjoying nourishing food and nice home-baking; snuggling up under a cozy blanket and watching feel-good movies; and attending online Zoom meetings with wise people I admire who are giving interviews or seminars during the pandemic.
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