Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Lunchtime Opportunity To Feed Me Plus Two

--by LittleOwl, posted May 8, 2010

It has struck me, lately, how heightened awareness of the things going on around us can present many new helping opportunities! 

Last week, I was driving through a local sandwich chain at lunchtime, when I saw two men sitting on the grass a few yards away conversing with each another. They very thin and seemed a little dirty and unkempt, and very thin. It seemed to me that they were homeless... but they were not standing around, with signs or asking for anything. 
I immediately felt like I could not just buy myself a sandwich without helping them eat, too. I asked the person at the window if I could purchase two $5 gift cards. I then drove up to the two men and presented the gift cards to them. They were totally shocked! One man said "is this for FOOD?!" He immediately began thanking me, over and over again. 
Both these men were tremendously grateful and verbalized this. Some people I have helped like this haven’t verbalised their gratitude in similar ways. Many cannot, they may have trust issues, mental health issues or had victimization experiences in the past. 
I do not give for the good feeling I get from giving, or because I want thanks and gratitude. I give because I see real needs in other people, and I am propelled to act, because I am that person's "answer" to that need, for that day and that moment, in time. 
I hope this helps and inspires others in their quests to be kind and help!   Ultimately, YOU are further changed, when you reach your hands out, to others. You become much more focused on the connectedness of people and the world around us (in direct opposition to self-centeredness), when you make a conscious choice to do something kind and even a bit unexpected.  
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Readers Comments

brbruce wrote: # 1 rule with the homeless is are you hungry. You have to feed there belly befor you feed there heart. brbruce
letsfaceit06 wrote: Its good to act kind. Let us help people so as they are able to stand for themselves. Let's teach them on how to catch fish than giving them the fish cause when its finish they will need us to give another instead of catching it themselves
luckyman wrote: It is well to give when asked, but it is better to give unasked, through understanding.

-kahlil gibran
iferlamb wrote: Beautiful

momov3 wrote: Wonderful and i believe it happened because your heart was open along with your eyes -that you saw, really saw these hungry men. I have commented before on other stories about how opportunites abound for us to be loving and connected. Most do not involve money. Open a door. Let someone out in traffic. Help an elderly person lift the heavy bag out of the cart at the grocery store. Comment to the lady on line that you like her (coat, hair, shoes etc) and make someones day. Just be open. God presents the opportunities, all we need do is act on them. Thanks for sharing and reminding me of how much good is really already out there.
Zevelina wrote: It`s great, you are the answer for people in need*

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