Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Winter Coat

--by moecusack, posted Mar 17, 2021
In a family practice office where I was a nurse, we had a young patient who lived mostly with her grandfather because she had been taken away from her mom by the court more than once.

She was very poor and never seemed to have the clothing she needed. At Christmas time, I bought her a warm winter coat. I gift-wrapped it, and mailed it to her without a name or return address. I often wondered about her reaction upon receiving it.
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Readers Comments

Andicas wrote: That was a beautiful act.
Mish wrote: I echo what Ladybird said. Bless you for doing that & welcome to KindSpring. 🌈
mindyjourney wrote: I’m sure the girl knew that a guardian angel saw her need and filled it...YOU! Thank you.
scully wrote: So awesome, I am sure the tale of the surprise coat has left a forever lasting moment in her heart ❤️
Rajni wrote: Selfless kindness is the best.

You did a wonderful job.

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