Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sharing Shears

--by DANCE, posted Mar 18, 2021
A carpenter was working on my neighbor’s property. I was working on my front lawn, so we spoke briefly. Later, as he saw me trying to use my shears to cut some bits here and there, he noticed they were not sharp enough.

He went to his van and came back with his own shears and some other tools. He said he'd noticed mine weren’t sharp, and he'd be happy for me to use his while he was next door. How kind is that? I left a few kindness cards and sweet treats in one of his open tool boxes when he wasn’t looking.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Kindness comes full circle there 💕
mindyjourney wrote: What a beautiful exchange of kindness! :))))))))
Conipop wrote: Sweet story! Never under estimate a small act of kindness - it leaves an imprint on your heart.

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