Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Winter Storm And Banana Bread Shares

--by mindyjourney, posted Apr 8, 2021
Winter storm headed our way this evening with heavy wet snow expected, between 10-20 inches. Spent most of yesterday preparing: baking, cooking, filling buckets of water, making sure generator works, alternate cooking methods, minimal heating options, etc...

If we lose power, we lose our water (on a well). We are about 7 miles from town, but at least we are on a school bus route, so our road will get plowed, eventually.

Well stocked on seeds and food for the birds and creatures.

We volunteer today at the foodbank and charity shoppe. Grateful that we can do before the snow hits. Have a feeling that we are going to be busy with folks stocking up on supplies!

*Banana bread is for fellow volunteers. Always like to bring an appreciation treat :).

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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: May you stay safe & warm, twinnie. Visualizing same for all in the path of this storm. 🙏.
Helenconnell2 wrote: Good idea to plan for something like this and I pray it is not as serious as it was forecast!
gardengal10 wrote: Sending thoughts of safety to you and your neighbors.
NoOnesNME wrote: and for the birds and creatures. so very thoughtful. be well!
janfour wrote: we are also in the path - locally up to 2 feet, regionally more than that! hope we all remain, safe, warm, and in touch!😘
LoveyDovey wrote: WOW...yum!
Balou wrote: Oh, thinking of you! While I love snow I am now looking forward to the tiny little fresh green buds that announce spring, hope the snow storm will blow over your area quickly and wreck no havoc!
dotmatrix wrote: Lots of goodness. ♥.
Rajni wrote: May almighty God help you stay safer during the winter storm. MisterM is strong and intelligent enough to tackle any problem. Enjoy kind acts at Food bank and Charity shop by helping and sharing treats.
pluto178 wrote: Sounds so romantic x

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