Stories of Kindness from Around the World

It's All Of Our Mess

--by cyctw, posted Apr 14, 2021
As I sat in a restaurant, an elderly man using a cane dropped his coffee as he was setting it down on the table. I took over a bunch of napkins and wiped off his chair and the table.

An employee followed up with a wet rag to prevent stickiness. The man told me he has carpal tunnel and can't feel much in his hands. As I write this, I think: Let us not develop a form of "carpal tunnel" in our hearts.

611 Reads

Readers Comments

Drjoybug wrote: I feel him...I have exactly the same challenges. Bless him and you for helping him❣️❣️
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for helping :)))).
Jimbo46 wrote: Sad that people have so many debilitating problems! Good demo of kindness in helping him!

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