Stories of Kindness from Around the World

An Extra Bit of Kindness in the Post

--by Sydney, posted May 11, 2010

"A parcel arrived for you today," my father told me, as we were driving home from work.  "It's quite big."  "Oh really?"  I wondered out loud.  "A big parcel?  I don't know what it could be."  "Have you ordered anything?  Maybe from Amazon or eBay or something...?" my father continued.  "Nope, I haven't ordered anything, Dad.  I'm only expecting one thing, but that should arrive in an envelope."

On Sunday, I will participate in a kindness activity with some friends, and I had asked Bluebell if she could send me some of her homemade smile cards to give out on the day.  Since smile cards would have fit into an envelope, I couldn't imagine what else could be in the package.  I became increasingly curious as we continued to drive home.  As soon as we arrived, I rushed to open the package.  It had a neat, hand-written label on it and seemed a bit springy, as if it were cushioning something inside.  "There might be something fragile inside," my father said, as he handed me some scissors.  "Be careful when you open it."  "Okay," I answered distractedly, not realizing just how precious the gift inside really was.

The package was filled with all sorts of kindness gifts!  First, some beautiful, colorful laminated posters with kindness ideas and poems tumbled out.  The package's springy quality came from loads of "pay-it-forward" wrist bands, which I will make good use of at our kindness activity.  In addition, there were three envelopes in the package -- two of them had the most immaculately homemade smile cards, and the third had a wonderful card inside, which read, "Thank you very much for your kindness....loads of love, Bluebell."

"This is really amazing," my father said.  My mother and sister enjoyed the package as well.  Bluebell put the biggest smile on all of our faces!  When I had asked her for some of her homemade smile cards to spread some kindness during our activity, I never expected to receive such a wonderful package filled with all sorts of kindness and inspiration!  I was completely awestruck to receive something so thoughtful and inspiring and beautiful.

You have completely made my day, Bluebell!

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Readers Comments

Jacinda wrote: Wow how fantastic is that!!! Bluebell is such a wonderful person with such a huge and kind heart!! Bluebell you are truely an Angel!! I hope you have lots and lots and lots of fun spreading the kindness :) I hope you have a wonderful day! God bless you both. Lots of love, Jacinda
JuneBug wrote: Bluebell has been known to go far and beyond !! We just love her here !!! I wish I could've seen all your faces light up but just imagining it makes me smile..GREAT JOB,BLUEBELL !! YOU DID IT AGAIN !!!! :)
sethi wrote: What a wonderful thing to do . Great .
Thanks for being a wonderful human being Bluebell .
iferlamb wrote: so AWESOME! That is beautiful! Have fun spreading the...

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