Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Seed Bombs for Birds and Bees

--by LoveyDovey, posted Apr 23, 2021
I have been making Guerrilla Gardening Seed Bombs this spring to pretty-up an area and to attract bees and birds. The seed bombs contain mostly poppy, daisy, bachelor button, and wildflower mix seeds. I toss them on my property. (Some people use a sling shot to spread them. How fun is that?)

There are many ways to create them, but my method is to pinch off some clay and mold a half dollar-sized little bowl, then place a pinch of seeds and gardening soil/compost mixture with a spritz of water inside. I mold it into a ball and roll it in the soil/compost mixture. After letting them air dry for 24 hours, they're ready to toss.

597 Reads

Readers Comments

gardengal10 wrote: That sounds like fun!
Mish wrote: Does it bloom quickly? I love wildflowers.
TheBigShelb wrote: Very interesting!
mindyjourney wrote: Love the project! Is on my mind to do as well :). Good tips on how to do 💐.
CatEd1989 wrote: Boom, so this is how you do it! great idea
DANCE wrote: Sounds great!!!
cabbage wrote: Wow--what a great idea! Thank you for the instructions! I'm going to do this :-)

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