Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Being a Blessing to Someone Else Everyday

--by melissamarie147, posted May 18, 2010

Today, it was over 100 degrees out.  Horrible humidity too.  While driving to get my tire fixed on my van I noticed some homeless people wandering around in this heat.  My heart sank. As soon as I was done at the garage I went to the store and picked up some gatorade, ice and bags of trail mix.  I headed home to pick up my 3 kids (1, 2 and 16 years old), loaded the van with the cooler and went off to pass them out. 

We found 3 homeless guys walking in the heat with the weight of their backpacks and gave them ice cold gatorade and bags of trail mix.  The best part was seeing the look on my 16 year old's face as he handed them the drinks and hearing my 2 year old say 'God bless you!' from the back seat.   Awesome. 

This is how my kids and I have passed the very long year that my husband, their dad, our hero, has been in Iraq.  We started a movement to inspire ourselves and others to forget about ourselves for 7 minutes a day, and be a blessing to someone else.  You can join the movement at 

We anxiously await our hero's return next month!

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Readers Comments

Bluebell wrote: I loved you story and above all the example you are giving to your children. I believe in doing it more than anything. God Bless you and Your children. May your hero returns home safely. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
JuneBug wrote: Iraq is a VERY hot place too, I hear !! The soldiers carry all that stuff on their backs as well as wearing the hot helmet and uniform in the unbearable heat there !!!You are teaching your children good things and doing good towards many others as well!! GREAT JOB, MOM!!!! I will check out your movement....:)
Petunia wrote: I was very touched by your message and was reminded of the power of love and kindness. Thank you for holding a light out to the world in a time when many people feel alone and in the dark
Shelly wrote: This is just too cool. Last night i finally followed the inspriation i had from last week. To write the following words on my status on my facebook page: "have you done any good in the world today? Have you helped anyone in need? Have you cheered up the sad or made someone feel glad, if not you have failed indeed. " this is the first half of a hymn that we sing in church from time to time and the you's are supposed to be i's but i wanted to make a point. So it is really neat to see a confirmation of an inspiration in this beautiful story's title. (the story is awesome too! ) i live my life trying to find ways to brighten someone elses day and with the way things are going in this world, there are so many in need of a little lift. I thought the gatorade and trail mix were so perfect! Blessings to you and your family. You are teaching your children precious truths of kindness!
luv4all wrote: Hey, nice i am joining 7 min a day - forget urself for others. This is wonderful
Richard wrote: You had a nice story told
irishgirl wrote: What a cool way to deal with your sadness, turn it into joy and kindness toward someone else. Inspiring.
melissa wrote: Thank you all for your kindness to me. Movement 77 is now on facebook for anyone who would like to check it out and keep the inpiration going.

God bless you!
Jagdish Kaviraj wrote: Thanks a lot for showing a wonderful way of teaching to younger generation kindness. To do something for underprivileged is a great thing.
upendra patel wrote: Thanks a lot for showing us to help others by spending our time and best wishes.

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