Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Blessings From A Special Lunch Guest

--by vsoul, posted May 25, 2010

Today I had a special person over for lunch.

I returned home this morning, after a week long trip to Pondicherry. I had come down with a fever and was resting. I woke up with a knock at my door and realised my land lady had come over.  While she was entering, I heard her asking someone,"Why are you sitting here?" An old frail voice replied, "Madam gives me food, so I am sitting here waiting for food."  My land lady came inside.

I went out and wished the old lady "Amma" well and enquired about her welfare. My land lady was giving me questioning looks whilst watching my interaction with Amma.

When lunch was ready, I asekd Amma to come inside to eat, but she refused, she said that she sits out daily and that was okay for her. I told her that as I was at home today and that she was a guest in my home, she should come inside. 

Amma came in and had lunch. I told her to rest in the room. She just looked at me with folded hands, without realising the pleasure she gave me by giving an opportunity to serve her. 

I live alone and I was sick -- I was missing my mom and granny very much. But the presence of Amma in my home made me feel that there was a divine soul around me. I feel blessed. Thank you Amma.   

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Readers Comments

Sanyogita wrote: VibhA,
U rock....Ur simply great. Words are few to appreciate ur work.U have always been taking care of everybody even the strangers.U never leave a single chance to help someone in need.this is the reason Ur my Inspiration.I`m thankful that I met you so that I cud learn more n more.I think I met an Angel who is always in hand to help someone in need.Thanks a lot....

With Love,
innerjourney wrote: Thats great Vibha! The post reminds me of a quote from President Barack Obama:
"Today we begin in earnest the work of making sure that the world we leave our children is just a little better than the one we inhabit today."

Like Gauri says, U R an inspirational being. Thanks for being 'you.' God bless...Love, Manish:)
ivy wrote: Wonderful sometimes small acts of kindness go a long way in minimizing the anguish of those suffering in silence in the society god bless you

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