Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Group Fills Gratitude Bags for Healthcare Workers

--by gardengal10, posted May 3, 2021
A small group from our church put together thank-you treat bags for employees of the local hospital.

Four of us have had our Covid vaccines and are past our two-week wait limit. In just over 1-1/2 hours, we were able to fill 240 bags.

Another group will be getting together to fill more. The four of us were overjoyed we could provide a service together.
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Readers Comments

unknown wrote: Sounds great ☺️
Mish wrote: You all banded together in Service that holds so many ripples & will touch the hearts of the many deserving souls there. Blessings for all of you. 🙏
mindyjourney wrote: Wonderful!!! Nothing like grouping together in the spirit of volunteerism and gratitude. Thank you :)))
Christine88 wrote: That is beautiful!
Rajni wrote: Risking their lives, health care workers dearly deserve gratitude bags. Your help making them is greatly appreciated.
gardengal10 wrote: As an update, we filled a total of almost 800 thank you bags to be distributed to all hospital employees

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