Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Friend Returns Care After Pregnancy Loss

--by SissyLee, posted May 6, 2021
A friend of mine miscarried. She never fails to leave a basket of candy, comfy socks, tea, etc. if she finds out I lost a loved one or hurt myself. Her actions are steadfast and true, and she does this even though we are not super besties. She cares.

I found her a card, some candy, flowers, and a bell chime handmade in India with a Hand of God carving and left them on her porch. Her dad caught me. I chatted with him and her mom. The friend was finally sleeping.

By the time I got home, there was a thank you in my messages about how it all meant the world to her.
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for your extra tender kindness for friend. I’m sure your thoughtfulness touched her heart ❤️ with healing comfort 🙏.
unknown wrote: I am sorry for her loss. Your presence must have soothed her immeasurably. Let me see if I find my favourite quote that helped me face my grief at ease ...
Balou wrote: Thank you!!! I can only imagine how devastated she might feel. I am sure your gesture, your gift, your words meant the world to her.
Mish wrote: 🙏 🌹🙏

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