Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Father-Daughter Gardeners Bond

--by kat94, posted May 30, 2021
My dad and I started a garden shortly after he was diagnosed with stage 2 colon cancer back in December 2016. He's beat the cancer, and I'm glad the garden is something we continue to enjoy together.

Last year we were able to grow a lot of vegetables. We had many to give away, as well, to family, neighbors, and coworkers.

I cleaned the garden today, getting ready for this season's new growth. I am patiently waiting to transplant my seedlings.

Gardens have a way of bringing people together.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: That was a very healing joint project for your Dad, as well as a generous sharing with others. Beautiful, Kat 👍💖
drjoybug wrote: Nature is healing.
mindyjourney wrote: That is an awesome garden! Thank you for helping other while helping father. Glad to hear he is doing well 😊.
scully wrote: Lovely project together
Balou wrote: Wonderful project! Glad your Dad beat the cancer, wishing you both many happy hours in this little peace of heaven.
pluto178 wrote: The Earth is a huge garden of growth we can learn so much by working in our own gardens.........being in the right place for best growth is a good one......tall to the back shorter to the front then they don’t have to compete or be something very different from their norm in order to many clues about life can be found in your garden. Glad you Dad is well and you can enjoy the garden together x

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