Stories of Kindness from Around the World

When Would Be Convenient?

--by balou, posted Jun 1, 2021
I had to pick up something from a doctor today, so on the phone, I asked the nurse when the most convenient time would be for them.  There was a moment of silence, then she said everything except between 12 and 2 would be OK.

When I got there at 11:30 am and told my name to the receptionist, she beamed at me.

"People rarely ask which time is convenient for us. They usually only expect us to meet at a time convenient to them. Thank you!" 
606 Reads

Readers Comments

unknown wrote: One of the most over-worked communities for the last several months ... Love that note of yours Con. Heel bedankt 🙏💗🌺
unknown wrote: ☺️☺️☺️
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for your consideration 😷! Appreciate you sharing some Peace Doves and something more too :))).
Mish wrote: You really touched her with your kind consideration, Balou. Beautiful energies shared. 💖
Rajni wrote: Consideration is a good virtue. It is selflessness. Wish all the people do ask for time convenient to others when meeting them for any reason. You did a very good job.

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