Readers Comments
Bluebell wrote: God Bless you and your family with endless Blessings, with Love, and Abundance of all Good things of Life. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
sethi wrote: That's kindness in action . Thank you .
shay pennamon wrote: Nice story
WausauFamily wrote: How cool is this! ;) feature story!
prasana wrote: Beautiful and thanks for the inspiration.
Pritha RaySircar wrote: I am completely moved by this story. Thank you for sharing it. It has changed me.
irishgirl wrote: Wow, blown away not just by the gesture itself but by what you wrote in the note inside the box -- beautiful.
WausauFamily wrote: Thanks so much for the kind comments. A simple act of kindness that may be the answer to anothers hope.
Mike Stouffer wrote: Thank you friends. Every kind action first starts out as a thought and ripple. The impact may be the answer to anothers hope.