Stories of Kindness from Around the World

From Dentist to Tea Time

--by DANCE, posted Jun 10, 2021
My partner had a challenging appointment with a dentist to discuss future treatment. He was worried and anxious so I went with him. While he was visiting with the dentist,

I went for a walk and found a lovely cafe to sit outside to wait for him. When he came out he had a surprise waiting for him; the waiter had helped me prepare a lovely tea and his favorite sandwich to be ready on the table seconds before he arrived.

We sat and enjoyed the place full of plants and flowers, talked, and looked at photos. He seemed much happier and relaxed after that.
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Readers Comments

Helenconnell2 wrote: Looks a lovely sky too x
unknown wrote: What a lovely treat you offered him. His pain would have flown out of the window with all your love 💗🌺
Balou wrote: Such a wonderful idea to take his thoughts away from the dentists appointment! Still, I hopethe future treatment will be not as difficult as he anticipated!
gardengal10 wrote: Splendid "medicine" :))
dotmatrix wrote: Very thoughtful. Going to the dentist sucks but I am grateful for modern dentistry vs. the alternative in the past.
Mish wrote: He’s so blessed to be with you, Dance 💕💕💕💕💕
mindyjourney wrote: A beautiful way to reward partner! 💐
Rajni wrote: Turning the table to ease dental pain of your partner couldn't have happened at a better time.

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