Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Thanks To A Colleague

--by Barnowl, posted Jun 14, 2021
Today I thanked a work colleague who, every week, organizes our work syndicate for the National Lottery.

He doesn't have to do it, and it is not just him who benefits. We all take it for granted he will do it. I finally remembered to say thank you.
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Readers Comments

wavingatyou wrote: Thank you :)
Mish wrote: Welcome to KindSpring. Enjoy!
pluto178 wrote: So many times we let others do things for us and forget to say thanks, well done, lets hope it creates even more good vibes for the draw itself. lol x
mindyjourney wrote: Welcome, dear barnowl :)). Thank you for remembering to thank colleague.
engkkn wrote: Wonderful to remember and to thank him.
melnotes wrote: Such a simple word but such a powerful one. Thankyou :)

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