Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Collecting Bras for Free the Girls

--by melaniep, posted Jun 12, 2021
I organized with the ladies at work to bring in their unloved bras - not the ones that have been worn so much that they are now only good for supporting pumpkins in the garden, but those we have worn once and then relegated to the back of the drawer because they pinch or squash or were never going to support us but looked so pretty we just couldn't resist.

I took the 15 bras we gathered down to my local lingerie shop, where the owner sends them to Free The Girls, an organization that uses them to help women set themselves up with a market stall so that they don't have to work in the sex industry to be able to feed their families.
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Readers Comments

wavingatyou wrote: There's a use for everything! Good for them, thank you :)
Mish wrote: What a worthwhile cause!!! If you send me shipping address I have many I can send on.
mindyjourney wrote: Wow! I might have some to send as well if you send address :)). Thank you for donating to such a worthwhile project.
grikki wrote: That is awesome!!
MariaZ wrote: Fantastic!!! I am going to see if I can contact the Free the girls charity from Spain and do the same :)

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