Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Young Woman in a Hospital Gown

--by evonnelandwehr, posted Jun 18, 2021
Hurrying home between appointments at work, I was shocked to see a young woman wearing only a hospital gown struggling up the street away from the hospital. She was barefoot and holding the gown closed in the front with both hands. Her feet were obviously hurting.

I drove by slowly to see if there was a car waiting anywhere near. When I realized she was completely alone, I turned around and came back to offer assistance. It was such an unusual sight that I almost didn't believe what I was seeing.

I suggested I take her back to the hospital, but she was determined to walk all the way to her mother's house about 10 miles away. I encouraged her to get in the car, and I drove her to her mother's home. She was grateful.
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Readers Comments

Ayaan wrote: Yes ! its all about the uncondiional love! you make my heart smile!!!
MariaZ wrote: Oh poor thing! Thank God you were there to help her! Well done :)!
wavingatyou wrote: Odd sight indeed. Thank you :)
brindlegirl wrote: And I am so grateful you were sent to be her angel that day ♡
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for your kind action, my friend. You followed your heart and made a HUGE difference. Blessings.
Rajni wrote: Your compassionate heart did a wonderful job. Probably she was not happy with hospital treatments. May others get inspired from you to follow suit. Thanks for sharing.

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