Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Life Lesson From A Farmer

--by behappyrightnow, posted Jun 3, 2010

My dad sent me a nice story forward, and here's an attempt to paraphrase the gist..

A certain farmer with the best crop yield was known to give away his seeds to other farmers in the area. When asked why he would give away his assets, he responded, "Well, you see, the wind blows seeds from all over into my land. If my neighbors have inferior seeds, then I will get an inferior crop. Therefore, to ensure that the wind brings me the best seeds, I must share my best seeds with others.

This is true about farming, and true about life. If we have an exquisite seed of happiness, why not give it away, so the wind blows it back to us.

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Readers Comments

luv4all wrote: Very imp message in few lines, thanks.
sydskies wrote: Ohhh ggreat story put very welll! I like this a lot. And it is quite true. Thanks for sharing i'll have to remember that one :)
gaur wrote: very good story .
WausauFamily wrote: We like this. nice post!
Veena wrote: True..Thanks for sharing it!

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