Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Profound Urge To Do Something Outrageously Kind

--by AshleyMarie, posted May 29, 2010

Yesterday, I wasn't having the greatest day. I lost my wallet, and luckily I found it, but the whole mishap messed up the rest of my day. In the evening, I was reading stories on My Life is Average, and then switched to Gives Me Hope. Reading about so many positive experiences and contributions to society from so many different people made me feel very cheerful.

After reading, I was getting ready for bed in an altogether happy mood, and as I was getting out of the shower, I had a wonderful idea. I had this profoud urge to do something outrageously nice for someone whom I don't feel like I've ever done anything explicitly nice, my mother.

That's not to say that I don't love her and tell her as such, but doing the little acts of kindness, those usually escape me. And it's not just me that forgets to do these kinds of things for her, either. My dad doesn't usually buy her flowers (he's gotten better lately... a little), and he never buys her jewelry or anything. And it's not like she's ever said that she cares, but she's a woman, of course she does.

So, late last night, I ordered flowers to be sent to my mother. Never before have I felt so cheerful and excited to see someone's reaction. The flowers should arrive at her house any time now, and I just can't wait for the text message she'll send me after she gets over the shock that I sent her flowers.

I love her so much.

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Readers Comments

Jacinda wrote: AshleyMarie what a wonderful idea! I'm sure it will bring her so much joy! Have a wonderful weekend :) Peace and smiles, Jacinda :)
Aurelia wrote: What a lovely thing to do! You know it'll mean so much to her...Thank You for showing your mom that all of her hard work keeping you safe and healthy is appreciated. We know our children love us, but a random act such as this is so unexpected and will make her YEAR! Please tell us how it goes.

flowergirl wrote: what a lovely thing to do for your mum ,those flowers will make her feel so special and so proud of you as a lovely daughter ,love and peace flowergirl
lilmorningdove wrote: As a mom i know exactly how she felt n that was that kindness thing you could have done for her a just because you love her n appreciate her. And all the thing she has done for you n her family. My son tell his girls to always say thank you n we love you to me. Thank you for sharing.
ivy wrote: Very little is needed to make someone truly happy and this sweet gesture of yours must have made your mother feel so proud of you. God bless you
lizzyb wrote: You receive so much more when you give. I visit my 94 year old mother each monday. Though it is not far away, i was not up to going one monday. I did, and it gave me the chance to lie in bed beside her. She hugged me and rubbed my head while lying with her, i cannot express the feelings we shared, it will be with me forever.
Megann wrote: Very nice indeed. People you should all do something for your parents and do it often. No one is guaranteed tomorrow.
dgrav wrote: Every mother loves flowers. And even more than that, they love that their child would think and act to send them flowers. As a mom myself, the only thing that tops the boquet is the knowledge that my child took the time and thought to send them to me.
Carolyn wrote: That's is jst great to hear. I know all mother's know how much their children love them and never ask for anything in return. I'm guessing she's going to cry after when the delivery man leave. I'm sure you truly appreciate your mom and it just showed.

Reading this brought joy to my heart. Each and every day i hug my mom and dad and tell them i love them. I sent her and my father cards in the mail that suit them to every aspect in my life.

Let us know how it went.
DebraE wrote: Beautiful ashley. Just about 3 months ago, my mom passed. I did nice things for my mom and took the time to be thoughtful.

Trust me. One day you will not regret
The things you can do now.

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