Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Lunch Surprise

--by cabbage, posted Jul 4, 2021
Had bought a sandwich from the "kindness cafe" for lunch today as a treat (the gal who took my order very proudly showed me her wrist bracelet that read "be kind"!!) enjoyed talking to the staff there as always....on the way home stopped at the grocery store.

There was a bicycle outside with a sign taped to it "homeless--anything helps"---the bike was not in great shape (seat was held together with duct tape...).....I carefully put the sandwich box, tangerine and got a bottle of water and kept them on the bike basket. Hope that the person enjoyed the surprise.

Later in the evening a neighbor came by with the first cherry crop from her tree--so delicious! And I got to share two recordings I "discovered" of my long departed grandmother with family members--just by using my phone to record from the audio cassette....what a treasure that was.

Sent metta to a friend going through a procedure today and heard from her that it all went very well :-)

Got to share resources/ideas around diversity/equity/inclusion with other educators at a workshop today--learned a lot and felt very glad to attend.
663 Reads

Readers Comments

Rajni wrote: God sent an opportunity of kindness your way. You did a very good job by placing sandwich on bicycle. Your other kindnesses are remarkable too. Thanks for sharing.
unknown wrote: You're a kindness 🐝
Mish wrote: Thank you for always finding ways to care & share from your heart, Cabbage ❤️
mindyjourney wrote: Amazing, those KIND of connections when we open our hearts 💕 😊. Thank you for doing and for sharing with us, my friend.
dotmatrix wrote: Oh, Cabbage! What a delight to read about your day, from sandwiches to secret surprises to the sound of your grandmom's voice to surgery well wishes. So much love and kindness, That workshop sounds wonderful. I loved the inclusion 21-day challenge we had here. ♥.
DANCE wrote: Excellent
fairykats wrote: Cherries are so good for the body!

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