Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Leaving Traces of Kindness

--by cabbage, posted Jul 9, 2021
I secretly left some restaurant vouchers and a chocolate bar for a stranger.

When I came across a cassette recording of a long-departed loved one, I decided to record it on my phone and then send it to a dear one. They were "wow"d by it.

I wrote a postcard to someone in a long-term memory care facility--he may not remember us, but we remember him and I want him to know that we are thinking of him. 

Finally, my treat to me was being still as I gazed at clouds. 
478 Reads

Readers Comments

unknown wrote: Nice as always ...
Mish wrote: 💖Always ways to spread kindness & you always find them. 👏🏻
drjoybug wrote: Bless you for your kindness
scully wrote: Cabbage you are inspirational, very cool acts, thank you
Rajni wrote: Your attitude of kindness is doing a very good job.
dotmatrix wrote: Cabbage, those are beautiful kindness gifts. ♥.
DANCE wrote: Thank you for doing it

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