Stories of Kindness from Around the World

This And That

--by SissyLee, posted Jul 28, 2021
We have had a record-breaking heat wave here in Oregon. I put out some extra water for the birds and critters. 

Gave a patient an origami butterfly corner bookmark and then showed her how to make one

I called an elderly neighbor who had a small stroke and is now back at home.

Gathered up more books for donation to one of our many "Little Free Libraries."

Because of Kindspring and seeing all the acts done here, these things are second nature now, and I forget that they may be post-worthy.

I also volunteered to foster some rescued hamsters but ended up not being needed. Have the application filled out and handed in for the future.
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Readers Comments

Unicorn Rain Shadow wrote: This or that?
SissyLee wrote: And now i am fostering those hamsters!
Drewtopian_1 wrote: I believe every kind act is worthy of posting. It could be inspiring!
Rajni wrote: You are doing a very good job. Your post is greatly appreciated to inspire others. Thanks.
dotmatrix wrote: I forget too sometimes, especially lately. ♥.
mindyjourney wrote: Lots of kindness in our every day! Thank you, sissy, for always leading with kindness 💕.
gardengal10 wrote: It's the little things in life that make a difference.
unknown wrote: Beautiful 💗
DANCE wrote: Lots of kindness!!!
kmbhai wrote: Thanks..

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