Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Adventures at Yellowstone National Park

--by cyctw, posted Jul 31, 2021
As I was standing in line at Mountain Mama's in West Yellowstone, Marilee proceeded to tell the cashier that she would be buying my drink. I think she liked the message on my t-shirt!

I don't know what I expected, but I've actually found West Yellowstone to be a very accepting town. Everywhere I look there is the message to "Be Kind" posted around town.

One gentleman even apologized as I walked across the crosswalk because the bumper of his truck protruded maybe a foot into the crosswalk. 

And in the park people have been super friendly when
we ask for advice on the best place to see certain animals, like bears or wolves. I'm still waiting to see the gray wolves, but we're hopeful and grateful for the welcoming people here.
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Readers Comments

unknown wrote: Kindness puts a big smile indeed. Recollect me asking an older woman take a seat and wishing the woman next to me had an extra chair ... their cheeks bulged through the mask ☺️ Enjoy your trip 🥳🥳🥳
bluebuddha wrote: It's always uplifting to hear of areas that have this gentle, kind vibe that even a visitor can feel it. May we all create these peaceful spaces wherever we are planted. :-)
mindyjourney wrote: So love the journey! It opens us to the many beauties of nature/new places 💕, plus the kindnesses there! Enjoy it all, my friend 😊.
Mish wrote: Like attracts like, bring kindness with you everywhere you journey 😉❤️
dotmatrix wrote: I hope you get to see the wolves. Thanks for sharing your Moutain Mama story (what a great name). What was on your t-shirt? ♥.
Rajni wrote: Kind people like Marilee ahead of you buying a drink for you is to remind you and others seeing/knowing it to be kinder than necessary. Kindness atmosphere do make people happy and kinder as well. Thanks for sharing your experience.
pluto178 wrote: Sounds like a great place to live. x
pluto178 wrote: Apparently their is low unemployment and low crime rates people feel safe living here the cost of living is higher but I guess if you are happy its worth the extra x
scully wrote: Glad you are having an amazing time in Yellowstone
Balou wrote: Like Mish said .... kindness coming back your way! And I hope as well that you will get to see the wolves!

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