Stories of Kindness from Around the World

😊 Positive Post-it 😊

--by mindyjourney, posted Aug 3, 2021
Since our town is very popular with tourists (especially this year!) I like to have a few positive post-its ready to share.

A napkin dispenser at the Purple Pie Place (awarded as one of the 10 best places to get a milkshake in South Dakota) was the perfect spot to anonymously display the quote “Travel far enough you meet yourself,” don’t you think?

371 Reads

Readers Comments

Christine88 wrote: That is so sweet.
Drewtopian_1 wrote: I met myself at disneyland. I really identify with disney. Their movies and tv shows helped to inspire me to become an actor. I'd watch them even when society called them "inappropriate" for my age. I don't think they should decide that because they don't know what we might be going through.
Ojt wrote: Oh-the joy of meeting someone new-might as well be you
SissyLee wrote: Awesome!
DANCE wrote: Love it!
pluto178 wrote: We meet ourselves in everyone who crosses our path sometimes thats delightful, sometimes not so much so….but at all times to our benefit…..eventually……….may you enjoy those who cross your path and if not order a milk shake lol x
Rajni wrote: . Nicer way to inspire others with post it notes. Thanks.

My journeys starts from mind, and ends in to heart
dotmatrix wrote: =) ♥.
Balou wrote: Wonderful idea!
Mish wrote: PURRfect 👌🏻

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