Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Perfect Match

--by Mish, posted Aug 13, 2021
Declutter Give-Aways. How’s this for a perfect match?! I had a feeling one of our neighbors who travels a lot would want a hardly-used, personal-size Nutribullit I have to spare.

This was her reply: “YES you won't believe it we just bought a small one while house-sitting, because the one here broke and I do have a small one at home yet we could use the extra one for traveling. THANK you for thinking of us” ❤️

Perfecto 👌🏻
353 Reads

Readers Comments

DANCE wrote: Kind thoughts and giving, great timing
gardengal10 wrote: The universe is sending these to just the right people. Bravo!
mindyjourney wrote: Agree, the Universe is helping you share )))). Well done!
Balou wrote: Love it when things find new owners ...
Lt33 wrote: That's great you were able to find the right person who needed it while .making more spy for yourself 🌝
scully wrote: Ah that is super cool how the perfect timing works. Thank you Mish!
unknown wrote: We (me and Dot) just spoke of Nutribullet yesterday. And mum made Guava smoothie like now now 😋
pluto178 wrote: Waste not want not……………good move x
dotmatrix wrote: Love our nutribullet and gift them often too. ♥.
Rajni wrote: Universe conspired to find the right receiver of your Nutribullit. She will bless you, bless you while she is traveling.

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