Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Chocolate Treat for Grocery Store Patience

--by cabbage, posted Jun 11, 2010

We've all seen it - one of those monster tantrums a young child throws in the middle of the grocery store - in this case it was happening in the checkout aisle next to me.  A harried mom was trying to buy her groceries whilst one of daughters was grabbing at her legs/ankles and howling.  She resembled a sprawling blob rather than a beautiful little girl she was.  In fact, it was the little girl's birthday (and apparently it was all too much for her at the end of this long day!).  The store clerks offered balloons and stickers, but it was all on deaf ears --- this little girl was having none of it. I felt bad for the mom, I offered a sympathetic smile and tried to engage with the child to no avail. After they left the store the checkout clerk commented "poor woman!" and I agreed that it was indeed tough.

I had noticed that the sister of the tantrum-thrower was still and quiet throughout all of the ruckus and I wondered what she was thinking! When I went out to the parking lot, I saw that the mom was still dealing with the same situation-.  The little kid was sprawled on the pavement pitching a monster fit and it seemed like she just couldn't get her into the car.  I went over to ask if I could help and she sort of shrugged helplessly. 

I went back to my car and grabbed a chocolate milk (which I had purchased for a special treat for my gave it to the older sister, "if your mom says it's ok, would you like to have this? You are being an amazingly patient big sister!" She smiled and took it, and I went off on my way. No big deal, but I hope it made the big sister feel a little better! (And maybe the mom too)

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Readers Comments

JuneBug wrote: AH!I remember the days when one of my daughters in particular threw ALOT of temper tantums. Somehow I got through it but not without telling her mor ethan once that I knew she would have children like herself one day. It came to be true. The one in particular...My daughter begs me to take ''the curse'' off of her so she can do without the tantrums. I just smile.......:)
Ithunn wrote: Well done! I'm sure the little girl will be inspired to continue with her positive attitude, and it may have set a little seed in the younger girl's mind, too ("if you are well-behaved your receiver chocolate bars from strangers! ") ;-)
Ronald wrote: Well in ireland and england its the 4th sunday of lent so it was march 14th. Switzerland shares the same date as the us, the 2nd sunday of may. Its autcally different in a lot of countries though the american date is the most common. Ireland, uk and nigeria have the same day and many other countries have their own date. It's may 10th in mexico. (i'm not some calender geek by the way, i just wiki'd it )

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