Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Free Coffee

--by lewski711, posted Aug 15, 2021
I got this free coffee promo, but I don't drink coffee. So, I was going to leave this behind at the coffee counter. As I was leaving this guy came in to grab a coffee, but it looked like he didn't see it.

I told him, "I just left this for the next person, and you are the next person." He was so appreciative. I rarely get to see the recipients of these kinds of RAOK. :)
368 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: So cool 👍
gardengal10 wrote: Unexpected delight!
scully wrote: Awesomeness
mindyjourney wrote: Nice! ☕️
dotmatrix wrote: That's a very nice treat. ♥.
kmbhai wrote: Lovely 😊

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