Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Attitude Of Gratitude

--by kat94, posted Sep 1, 2021
We've had much more rain this summer in Southern Ontario, making me appreciate the sunny days we get even more. Today was one of those days, and being a holiday, I decided to take advantage of it and go cycling.

I usually meet a lot of cyclists on the trails I'm on. Usually we exchange a quick greeting as we pass each other, sometimes people stop and chat a bit longer.

This morning I talked to a young man who said that while he was tired from the activity, he's grateful to be alive.

How true. Though I came home tired, I'm grateful to get to experience another day. Also grateful to be healthy enough to cycle and to get to experience all the wonderful scenery I did see 💕
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Readers Comments

dotmatrix wrote: How true indeed. So grateful to be alive. {{{{Kat}}}} Thanks for sharing this great story. ♥.
Mish wrote: Felt like I was there with you, dear Kat. ☀️ 🚲❤️
Balou wrote: Appreciation for what we Do have instead of what we do not ... so perfect ... glqd you enjoy the cycling! Hope for many more kind and friendly conversations!
mindyjourney wrote: Good to hear from you, kat! 🚲 I had wondered what you were doing lately :)
butterkind wrote: Gratitude brings a humbling feeling too.. Thanks for sharing!

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