Stories of Kindness from Around the World

From Laundry To Vegan Pepperoni

--by cyctw, posted Aug 25, 2021
I'm back home and spreading my birthday gift on the west coast now. Many of my acts began at home this time, with my family.

Since my return yesterday I've done two loads of laundry. I rose at 6 am, made coffee for my wife, along with vegan pancakes...a recipe that I've adapted myself.

I took my daughter to Chipotle. The real act of kindness here was that I did this without lecturing her about eating out too much:). And I shared my Peet's coffee reward with her. I was telling my daughter about what I'm doing and asked her what acts of kindness she thought I've done today. I was happy to hear her say, "you opened the door for me!" That was small, but given that I wasn't going through the door with her, I'll count that. And now for dinner, I'm making wife and I VBLTA's for dinner (vegan bacon, lettuce, tomato, and avocado) sandwiches.

I went into work today for CPR/First Aid training on on the way I dropped off a goodie basket of tomatoes (sun gold, early girl, and heirloom from garden), avocados (from the tree), and vegan pepperoni (homemade) for a dear friend. The tomatoes and pepperoni were perfect dressing for the vegan pizza that her daughter made. :)

Finally, I also delivered a vegan roll of pepperoni and a vegan breakfast sandwich to a friend/colleague at our training; he just loves the vegan pepperoni.

PS: I hope I never have to use CPR on anyone, but it's nice to know that I know what to do if needed<3.
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: You might need to compile a Vegan cookbook! It all sounds yummy and so very kind :))))).
michelelpurce wrote: how wonderful. it is often mentioned that we do forget the kindness to our family members but you even had that covered. it seems that you covered alot of ground. Your birthday has blessed so many not only in the actions that you have done but for being born and being able to bless so many. Again i wish you the happiest of birthdays. :)
Helenconnell2 wrote: A wonderful day!
Mish wrote: An awesome day filled with you4 kindness. Bless.
gardengal10 wrote: A great day!
Rajni wrote: It is wisely said that " Charity starts at home" you just lived by this doing all that you could. Thanks for all inspiring kind acts. You are doing very good job.
SissyLee wrote: I also love vegan cooking!
scully wrote: Very awesome and full of amazing sharing, thank you
pluto178 wrote: keep up the good work x

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