Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Groceries & Gardening Chats

--by Lizita, posted Sep 15, 2021
We live in a neighborhood that has been very tight! We have a slack channel and email group to communicate, help each other, and organize fun activities.

My home offers 4 to 6 times a year community gatherings. Today, however, I reached out to all my neighbors to get their grocery list to buy groceries tomorrow for them. 6 neighbors have sent lists...and more will come.

In addition, I gardened in the front for 6 hours engaging in chats with neighbors walking their dogs, and nearby neighbors. This helps build relationships while keeping social distancing. Lots of laughter today! I feel rejuvenated. It's amazing how much we receive when we give. The reciprocity is healing.
415 Reads

Readers Comments

rajni wrote: You are doing a very good job. In this period of Covid-19 pandemic, many people may not be going out due to their age having high risk. Your services will be a blessing to them. Thanks.
mindyjourney wrote: A beautiful healing KIND of day, my friend! Thank you for gathering lists and gardening, while keeping the community connections.
kvpsummer wrote: truer words never spoken

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