Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sending Kindness through Emails

--by Mish, posted Sep 17, 2021
😷As we are still “sheltering at home seniors”, most of my kindness acts are not being done face-to-face right now.

Early this morning, after reading a very gracious note of appreciation from a NYC food pantry we support weekly, I sent them back an email expressing our gratitude for all they do to provide their life-saving service to keep people fed, and thanked them for their gracious donation acknowledgment.

I am grateful we are able to support their mission and hope to be able to continue supporting them. 🙏

449 Reads

Readers Comments

Helenconnell2 wrote: Great idea x
aartishah22 wrote: Nice!!
mindyjourney wrote: Grateful for their work and for your support! 🌸
Sylviebeaufils31 wrote: Thank you so much: 🙏❤️
Shaileen wrote: awesome Mish

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