Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Spreading Smiles During Cruise Ship Season

--by Jacinda, posted Jun 20, 2010

In New Zealand, our summer period runs from December through February, and during this summer/Christmas break, we have many, many tourists!

Today was the first day of the Cruise Ship Season, and there were busloadsof tourists everywhere, most of whom seemed to be American tourists. During this year’s Cruise Ship season, we have 45 cruise ships from all over the world, which come into Mount Maunganui/Tauranga, New Zealand.

During my lunch break, I noticed a few tourists (I could tell from the cruise ship passes hanging around their necks) who were standing there, looking extremely confused. So I walked right up to them and asked if they needed some help. They were rather lost and were looking for the nearest hotel. So I stood there for a few minutes, had a bit of a chat with them, and then showed them towards the hotel, after which they were very thankful.

I  love the Cruise Ship Season because, as one of "The Short Sisters," I have lots of fun giving local entertainment to the tourists near the gates. We sang many songs, including an original song of ours called "Hey You! It's All Here in the Bay," which is locally promoted in my region.

We love seeing the happy faces of people going by and the many lovelycomments like, "I was having such a bad day but when I heard your singing, you really made my day." I really love to see people so happy! The Cruise Ship Season is an awesome way to get out and help people. It's so much fun! I love it. Plus, it’s a great way to give out smile cards!! :)

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Readers Comments

trueblue wrote: I will come and hear you sing. North or south. 9th july i arrive. All going well with mum
trueblue wrote: Im staying with hubby in the bay of islands for 4 days. I will bring some smile cards that if you don't mind that is.
iferlamb wrote: Too too too too cool! Love your spirit!

heartofflesh wrote: Dear Jacinda,
It is generaly said 'Do what makes your heart Sing" and you seem to be doing just that by singing and making people happy!
I wish i could visit NZ during the summer.To me it is such a beautiful place(I can make out that from the pics) and you have a beautiful heart(I can make out that from your posts)
What a blessing! You were placed by God to be there for those, who get to hear your song.By your sharing all these things you have put a song in my heart,Thanks Jacinda!
JuneBug wrote: When I come to NZ, I hope to find you singing along with your sisters. I probably would think I landed in Heaven !!! :)
heartofflesh wrote: You've been a blessing to helpothers,NZ and the world!
It is sheer joy to read your stories and comments.Thanks gal!
You make this beautiful!
Jacinda wrote: Thank you JuneBug and Luckyman so much for your kind words :) Well June if you came into the Bay of Plenty you probably would find us there singing out to everyone trying our best to bring a smile to the peoples faces around us :) Love, Jacinda :)

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